I will tell you about an exciting experience for me and others.
First I'd like to start commented that for my cars are amazingly and the speed is like a passion for me and most underground racing.
Underground racing is a tradition that is amazingly since my ancestors and fortunately is still practiced today.
Unfortunately they are a danger there is to know where to practice, many people believe it is a game and not take precautions, like me when I started to play car racing, unfortunately I had an accident broke my car tire and shock impact bar, fortunately nothing serious happened to.
Fortunately, this taste for the underground racing is taking off, for now just thinking about finishing my studies, but a new experience is born, all-terrain jeeps is a little more quiet but also has its risks.
Jeeps are fun and more when you go through the mud and stuck the jeep, one day, unfortunately we left the jeep at the top of the hill and it broke down, we were several hours trapped on the hill, but fortunately we were rescued.
At the moment these are my most amazingly experiences, and I encourage the practice that some day that are fun and amazingly thing is the risk that can happen.
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